Sunday, August 3, 2008

Tinseltown Breakdown

This one comes to us from L.A's Ms. Peggy Archer, who is better known for her abandoned couches photo blog. Litter blogs unite!


Anonymous said...

There was an article in my paper today about the refuse that is left on the sidewalks this time of year when students are moving in and out of houses downtown. A councilwoman was quoted as saying, "The sofas are always a problem. It's depressing when you see a sofa sitting there, and it's been rained on." It struck me funny that she saw it as depressing because it's never affected me that way. Then I thought about the broken umbrellas.

Anonymous said...

Love your collection of dead umbrella pics. For some reason here in Fairbanks, we don't seem to use them much - and it's been a rainy summer. Very rainy. I'll carry my camera, tho & keep an eye out.

Katie said...

Be still my beating heart -- an umbrella from Alaska might put me over the edge. Thanks Jill!

MMG -- it's funny, ever since discovering Peggy's blog I see abandoned couches everywhere here. She's got a great eye.